Bosch GMS 120: A Professional Tool for Wall Scanning

Bosch GMS 120: A Simple and Intuitive Tool for Locating Objects Behind Walls

If you are looking for a reliable and versatile tool to detect objects behind walls, you might want to consider the Bosch GMS 120. This device is not just a stud finder, but a multi-detector that can locate metal, live wire, and wood in various wall types. Whether you are a professional contractor or a DIY enthusiast, the Bosch GMS 120 can help you avoid drilling into hidden hazards and save you time and money.

Features and Benefits

The Bosch GMS 120 has several features and benefits that make it stand out from other wall scanners. Here are some of them:

Customer Reviews

The Bosch GMS 120 has received many positive reviews from customers who have used it for different purposes. Here are some of the comments they have made:


The Bosch GMS 120 is a professional tool that can locate objects behind walls with ease and accuracy. It is simple and intuitive to use, with automatic calibration and a clear display. It can detect metal and live wire in various wall types, as well as wood in drywall. It is ideal for renovation work, as it can scan in damp or wet conditions and prevent drilling into hidden hazards. The device has received many positive reviews from customers who have used it for different purposes. If you are looking for a reliable and versatile wall scanner, the Bosch GMS 120 might be the one for you.

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